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  3. Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages (French)

“Les limites de ma langue sont les limites de mon monde.” (The limits of my language are the limits of my world) Ludwig Wittgenstein.

What is French?

In French we learn a language that is used in other countries. We learn to speak, read, listen and write in this language.

French at Cockton Hill Junior School:

Learning a foreign language is a lifelong skill that promotes and encourages broader cultural understanding and can lead to a huge range of opportunities as children grow up. Throughout school, children will study oracy, literacy and intercultural understanding in a wide variety of ways. A focus of this learning is phonics where pupils learn how phonemes are pronounced differently in another language. 

Here you will find our French curriculum overview as well as unit overviews. These show the key knowledge and skills for each unit as well as vocabulary learnt in each topic. 

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Our curriculum in action

Year 3 - Greetings

In this unit of work, Year 3 pupils have been introduced to French at CHJS.  They began to introduce themselves in another language and ask and answer questions. During this unit there was a strong focus on speaking and listening skills. Using finger puppets, they completed a role play activity. They were also introduced to the term ‘cognates’. These are words in one language which look or sound like the word in English. This unit gives the children a good base for the rest of their learning in this subject.

Year 4 - Portraits

This unit of work builds on work which children completed in Year 3 on adjectives and their position in a sentence. They learned that they must agree with the noun they are describing. The topic also focused on finding out about the famous French art museum – Le Louvre. Children practiced reading and writing skills by playing ‘Jacques a dit’. Using a writing frame, they wrote sentences describing people.

Year 5 - Monsters

During this unit, children worked up to completing their own piece of writing titled ‘Fantastic French Beasts’. They looked again at adjectives, building on work completed in Year 3 and 4 and were introduced to singular and plural. They used language detective skills and their knowledge of cognates and near cognates to work out meaning of a paragraph of text in French. Using their growing knowledge of French, they unscrambled sentences so that they made sense.

Year 6 - Sport and Olympics

During this unit, children learned French vocabulary for the names of some different Olympic sports and countries. They revisited how to talk about likes and dislikes and were introduced to the verb ‘aller’. Conjugating the verb, they could then say what sport they were going to do. The children again used their knowledge of cognates to become language detectives and work out the meaning of new vocabulary. At the end of the unit, they created a longer piece of writing about the Olympics.