Welcome to

Cockton Hill Junior School

  1. Curriculum


At Cockton Hill Junior School, we structure our curriculum around the broad and balanced National Curriculum; this ensures statutory measures are fulfilled well and are complimented by additional teaching that ensures pupils are equipped for their next stages in learning. The curriculum successfully supports pupils’ wider development. It is based on a deep understanding of the local community and works to broaden pupils’ life experience and raise aspirations. It is relevant for our pupils living in Bishop Auckland today. Subject leaders have worked collaboratively with the Senior Leadership Team to specify the most important knowledge and skills pupils should learn within each year group. This is progressive across school as well as across teaching sequences and relevant to the needs of our pupils and their context. With further support to leaders, planning and resources are developed to ensure that the intent for learning is clear. Links across the curriculum are developing to further enhance opportunities to widen experiences both in school and within the local community. 

Staff have high expectations for all and use a wide range of teaching styles and structures to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of all pupils to enable them to engage well and be well prepared for school life and beyond. Pupils reflect on their own and others' beliefs and values, including British Values, through a broad and balanced curriculum. Use of ‘We Believe’ time encompasses our PSHE curriculum, SMSC provision, RSHE and British Values.

Through each subject, we encourage children to become independent learners by nurturing and developing their investigative and problem solving skills in a wide range of activities. Children are also encouraged to monitor and evaluate their own learning, to become actively engaged in their education. Children are regularly assessed to ensure their next steps in learning are appropriate and they are continually stretched to be the best that they can be.

Subject Teaching

We teach the full range of subjects and these are planned and delivered as stand-alone subjects with developing links established between subjects and topics.

Subject teaching is delivered in teaching blocks. Teaching and learning focuses on one main foundation subject during block teaching and this builds knowledge and skills within a focused and immersive experience.

Meeting Individual Needs

By adapting activities to children’s individual abilities and interests, we give each child the opportunity to experience success as we believe achievement builds confidence alongside competence. Targeted teaching and learning supplements the curriculum to support children who require adaptations to the curriculum. Support is targeted appropriately to challenge all learners, including developing pupils’ individual interests and raising their aspirations. This supports pupils of all abilities.

Whole School Foundation Curriculum Overview

Please see below an overview of our foundation curriculum. Please see individual subject pages for more information. 

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum, please contact us and you will be signposted to the most appropriate person to answer your query.


We enrich our curriculum with visits and experiences tightly focused to our subject learning, as detailed on the overview above, enabling pupils to develop a stronger context to their learning. Examples of this enrichment can be found on our subject specific pages.

We also enhance our children's experiences with other enrichment opportunities across the year to provide pupils with a broad and rich school experience with examples of this shown below. 

Christmas Craft and Carol Afternoons

Pupils enjoyed engaging with their parents/carers in Christmas Craft and Carol afternoons. Each year group performed a carol and children then made their own handprint Christmas wreath to take away and hang with pride at home. 

Christmas Parties

All children enjoyed a Christmas party to celebrate their hard work this term. The parties were led by 'Turkey Rob' where children enjoyed singing, dancing and taking part in party games. 


All children enjoyed their visit to Bishop Auckland Town Hall to watch the pantomime - Cinderella. This was an opportunity for them to see a live show and enjoy this experience with their friends. 

Singing in the community

Year 6 visited Bishop Auckland General Hospital to sing. The patients loved listening to them and really complimented them afterwards. 6H enjoyed some juice and a biscuit afterwards too!

"Rude Science" Show

Some of our school MPs and department members participated in a "Rude Science" demonstration where BBC Scientist, Stefan Gates, showed us outrageous science stunts based on our bodies. Some of our pupils were invited up on stage to demonstrate how gases in our bodies escape with the use of a whoopie cushion. The pupils were very excited and a little disgusted with what they were taught but thought the show was, "The best thing we've ever seen."