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Cockton Hill Junior School

  1. Our School
  2. School Parliament

School Parliament

Article 12 (Respect for the views of the child) Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.

During Parliament Week, children prepared speeches with the aim of being elected as their class "MP" (Motivational Pupil). All children voted for their MP and those elected are now our School Parliament. 

Our MPs (Motivational Pupils)

3C - Evaa

3H - Tommy

4C - Lyla

4H - Scarlett

5C - Jacob

5H - Blake

6C - Izzy

6H - Anna


Children also applied to work within our departments in school. A recruitment and selection process took place and children were selected to form these different departments. Each department has a focus within school to improve life in our school and local community. Take a look at our departments and the things these groups have been doing. 

Department for Education

Our Department for Education: Jensen, Naleli, Jimboy, Flynn, Harper, Heather, Alexis and Joe

Department for Environment

Our Department for Environment: Danny, Evalynn, Isla, Charlotte, Leighton, Beau, Liam and Bella


Our Department for Environment met with Tori from OASES as part of the development of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy to protect wildlife within County Durham. They looked at animals and habitats that need protecting and explored the importance of woodlands. The children then came up with ideas of how we can improve our school grounds to protect wildlife. These included making bird feeders out of recycled milk cartons, adding wildflower areas, creating hedgehog houses and planting more trees. 

Department for OPAL

Our Department for OPAL: Callum, Hayden, Charlie, Elliott, Chloe, Malaki, Annabelle and Priya. 

Department for Rights Ambassadors

Our Department for Rights Ambassadors: Michael, Henry, Suzie, Michaela, Leo, Mia and Thomas

Department for Community

Our Department for Community: Sylvie, Robbie, Noah, Adam, Alina, Lucy, Kaiden and Lucas

Department for Health and Safety

Our Department for Health and Safety: Arron, Hughie, Milo, Ethan, Mia, Evie-May, Cara and Abbie

Department for Equality and Diversity

Our Department for Equality and Diversity: Declan, Nellie, Leandra, Arabella, Amber, Lexi, Gia-Rose, Jaxon