“The sky has no limit. Neither should you.” Usain Bolt.
What is PE?
PE is a range of physical activities and competition to support us to lead healthy and active lives.
PE at Cockton Hill Junior School:
Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) are all similar in that they are all part of physical movement.
Physical Education (PE)
PE is the planned, progressive learning that takes place as children’s curriculum entitlement. Physical education develops children physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. Children develop skills to use their body effectively and efficiently, with increasing confidence.
Staff plan and deliver lessons focusing on one of these key areas: athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, outdoor adventurous activity and swimming, while acquiring an understanding of the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. Staff use core tasks to assess and plan learning in PE. These tasks are used at the beginning and end of a unit of work to support this and evidence progression throughout KS2.
School Sport
School Sport is the learning that takes place beyond the curriculum, such as after-school clubs and tournaments. Sport clubs and teams are run as extra-curricular activities and we are regularly involved in a wide range of sports festivals.
Active Week – Our annual Active Week always proves to be a successful week in our school calendar. Every year, pupils take part in a range of sports and activities. We have had a range of visitors support this over time. Active Week celebrates our continued focus on sport to support physical and mental health and well-being, culminating in Sports Day and whole school competitions. Pupils, staff and parents/carers give overwhelmingly positive feedback each year about these events.
Physical Activity
Physical Activity encompasses all physical movement, including active lessons in other areas of the curriculum. At CHJS, we are committed to the delivery of PESSPA and pride ourselves on the diverse opportunities available to the children.
OPAL – Cockton Hill Junior School follow the OPAL approach to break and lunch time provision. Time and resources have been heavily invested to improve play opportunities for our pupils. Competitive games and sports form part of this provision.
PE Kit
Parents are advised to remind their children to bring the appropriate PE kit to school every Monday and take it back home to wash every Friday. Children should bring a plain white T-shirt (no logos), black shorts/jogging bottoms and black plimsolls or trainers during winter months.
For details on our Sport Premium funding, please follow the link.
Here you will find our PE curriculum overview as well as unit overviews. These show the key knowledge and skills for each unit as well as key vocabulary children learn. Enrichment opportunities show how our curriculum is further enhanced.